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HR digitalisation in Swiss SMEs

Four steps to choosing effective software

HR digitalisation in Swiss SMEs

SMEs are regarded as the backbone of the Swiss economy. In a world of breakneck technological change, it is precisely these companies facing the major challenges that make digitalisation necessary. This blog post provides you with four tips on how to set about choosing software in order to find the right solution for you.

Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in Switzerland employing fewer than 250 people represent more than 99% of the corporate landscape and are regarded as the backbone of the economy. In the light of rapid technological developments, these companies are faced with the challenge of remaining efficient and competitive. A sophisticated digitalisation strategy is crucial for this. SMEs can achieve significant advantages by implementing a comprehensive HR suite solution. These solutions make it possible to overcome operational challenges effectively and to optimise business processes. In the past, such comprehensive suite solutions were tools that were reserved for bigger enterprises only. But thanks to technological advances and changed market offers, they are now also accessible to smaller establishments and are economic to implement. But how do you find the right solution in the software jungle? This post shares four of the most important steps which, in our experience, must be borne in mind when choosing the software solution.

Step 1: "What is your biggest challenge?"

The first step in establishing whether a company needs an HR suite solution is to define the business problem. Accurate identification and understanding of the challenges within the company are important. The most effective way is to talk to employees and managers and to ask them directly what their biggest challenges are. This requires an open and honest working atmosphere. Collate what you have ascertained once the challenges have been identified. Analyse the information you have gathered to identify patterns and key problems that must be resolved. This step helps you to prioritise the most urgent needs and to plan effective solutions.

Example: A Swiss retail SME is struggling with efficiency problems as only payroll accounting and recruitment are digitalised. This leads to considerable time wastage in regard to updating data, producing documents, talent processes and communication between departments. Thorough analysis of these inefficiencies highlights where urgent action is needed. Identification of these problems is the first step towards a solution and indicates that a comprehensive digital transformation is required.

Step 2: "Which tools are already in use?"

Investigate which tools are already used. The example already mentions a payroll solution and a recruitment system. Now check whether it is sensible to integrate the existing solutions, or whether, alternatively, these should be replaced by new, more comprehensive tools.

Step 3: "What do we want to achieve?"

A focus on results ensures that the technology brings about direct, quantifiable improvements, such as a 30% reduction in lead times, rather than distracting from the actual business objectives with superfluous features. This requires targeted use of resources and avoids the complexity that frequently goes hand in hand with function-heavy systems. You should formulate requirements of the HR suite on the basis of this aim. This includes, for example, the ability to automate these processes, a user-friendly interface that facilitates access and use for employees and managers, and integration with existing systems to ensure consistent data.

Step 4:  "Is this tool/partner right for us?"

It is essential to choose an HR solution that not only meets current requirements, but which also has the potential to grow and develop with the business. It is equally important to check how much the HR tech supplier invests in continued development of its solutions and the resources available in order to safeguard your investment. A supplier who invests in continuous product innovation and improvement can ensure that the technology meets your company's changing requirements in the future too.

The SME in the example values an open and agile corporate culture. A suitable HR tech supplier and implementation partner should uphold these values and offer a flexible, adaptable solution that can grow with the company. This includes ongoing adaptation to new market requirements and technological advances in order to provide constant effective support.


A strategically chosen HR suite can bring benefits that far exceed automation by helping the SME to make its HR strategies more effective and the organisation as a whole more agile and reactive. The right supplier understands your corporate strategy and culture and offers a technology that integrates easily with your existing system, avoids superfluous stages in the work and can adapt to your company's future needs.





Stephan Bodenmann

Stephan has been supporting HR Campus customers with tools suitable for achieving improved efficiency for more than eight years. As part of his broadly based role in Sales, he has specialised in consulting across HR topics and identifying customised solutions that not only make HR department work easier, but also offer end users – employees and line managers – an optimum experience.





Published: 18. June 2024

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