Expenses Management 4.0

Expenses Management 4.0

Discover a cloud solution for your travel and expenses management. A waste of time and money? – Not any more!

Expenses Management 4.0

A waste of time and money. We all know that feeling – despite effort, costs and the workload, the result is nothing. Ironically, is that how you feel about your expenses management?

The existing processes are outdated, and unwritten behavioural patterns have developed that lead to ambiguities regarding the interpretation of travel and expenses regulations. Ultimately, it remains for the Finance department or the management to eliminate these ambiguities. There is also the regular control of flight and hotel bookings, car rental, account-assignment information, VAT codes and various other topics. The complexity of the tasks of the Finance department is clearly visible in this area. Employees are required to obtain permission for travel, to deliver hard copies of expense receipts in good time, and keep an overview of the expenses, while in fact they should be pursuing their duties during business travel. Stand up to these problems. Because even expenses management has reached the digital age. The Concur Travel & Expense SAP cloud solution integrates all the steps of a business trip in a single platform.

The employee can take conveniently take pictures of his/her expense receipts on a smartphone. With just one click, the document goes to the supervisor for approval and to another person in the Finance department. Travel and expense regulations are illustrated and the system checks every bill against sensible auditing rules immediately on submission and alerts the employee to errors straight away. Credit-card integration actively prevents fraud and also reduces the effort for the employee in collecting data.

A waste of time and money? With the best cloud solution for travel and expenses management, you can forget about that. Concur not only does its job, but makes it a pleasure.

Published: 10. May 2017

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