HR Campus wins the second SAP® MEE Partner Excellence Award at the Field Kick-Off Meeting in Barcelona. You can find out what the prize is for here.
At this year's SAP FKOM meeting in Barcelona, Marek Dutkiewicz collected already the second SAP® MEE Partner Excellence Award. After HR Campus became one of SAP's most successful partners in the Cloud Solutions category in 2015, this year it achieved the same in the category of Human Capital Management, HR Campus’ core competence.
“I am delighted to honour HR Campus as the recipient of the SAP MEE Partner Excellence Award 2017 for SAP Human Capital Management,” congratulated Rodolpho Cardenuto, SAP’s President of Global Channels & General Business. “HR Campus is extremely committed and does impressive work. This enables them to deliver continuously at the highest level. We are pleased to continue working with HR Campus to expand our capabilities constantly and jointly create value for our customers,” added Cardenuto.
The prize is not just for good performance, innovation and success. Rather, it is for a lively and long-term partnership and is a sign of mutual trust. Marek Dutkiewicz also prizes the partnership: “We are extremely pleased that SAP is honouring our performance as a company and expressing its trust with the prize.” Together, we are promoting innovation in HR.
Published: 10. May 2017