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Interview with Mark Fahrni

A glimpse into SwissSalary's unique quality and its partnership with HR Campus

Interview with Mark Fahrni

Mark Fahrni has been SwissSalary's CEO for 12 years now and is an expert in innovative payroll solutions. In our interview, he examines the latest technologies, discusses SwissSalary's unique advantages and provides us with fascinating insights into the upcoming developments in the innovative Swiss payroll solution. Find out more about how a partnership with HR Campus and integration into the Microsoft ecosystem can transform payroll accounting.

Mark, please introduce yourself briefly – what do we need to know about you? 
And tell us about your initial contact with HR Campus.

I'm Mark, a passionate technology enthusiast and your contact for SwissSalary. My first contact with HR Campus was love at first sight. At an inspiring meeting with Marek, it soon became clear that we shared the same vision: to deliver state-of-the-art technologies to our customers, garnished with a pinch of fun. The culture, spirit and shared mindset were right from the very beginning. We are both convinced that enthusiasm and a smile on your face are the keys to success.

From your point of view, what are the strongest arguments favouring SwissSalary's solution and the associated modules?

SwissSalary is more than just a payroll accounting software: it's a revolution in payroll processing. The combination of state-of-the-art technology with our single-minded focus on payroll accounting makes it unique in the market. SwissSalary is a 100% Software as a Service (SaaS)-based solution which stands out because of its fast implementation and high flexibility. The fact that SwissSalary is fully integrated into the Microsoft ecosystem brings with it a wide range of advantages. The solution is managed by Microsoft Azure, guaranteeing 24/7 support and top security standards. Its integration into Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC Teams and Power Automate enables seamless use of our services. In addition, Microsoft's AI Copilot will significantly enhance our payroll solutions in the near future.

What would you say regarding where Microsoft's journey is headed, specifically with regard to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI)?

AI will play an even greater role in payroll accounting in future. With the Microsoft Copilot, we can put queries in natural language and receive immediate answers, which significantly increases our efficiency and improves the precision of our work. This technology is a real game changer – it not only transforms the way we work, but also optimises our processes and results. This will make AI a driving force in the new era of payroll accounting.

You're leaders in innovations and Swissdec certifications. How do you achieve that? Could you give us an insight into SwissSalary's new planned features?

Our strength lies in our clear focus on payroll accounting and our use of Microsoft's technology stack. This enables our team to concentrate with total passion on innovations and to offer our customers significant improvements on a regular basis.

Microsoft Copilot will undoubtedly be one of the highlights in the current year. Further investments will be made in a 100% digital environment, such as e-Profile and the integration of digital health and accident insurance data. What's more, Swissdec 5.3 integration is imminent. This will provide new capabilities for administering telework for cross-border workers.

Why would you recommend HR Campus as a partner?

HR Campus is not only the leading provider of HR outsourcing, but also an expert in the digitalisation of HR and payroll processes in Switzerland. In combination, we set standards on the market by delighting customers with advanced technology, comprehensive technical knowledge and personal commitment.

At this point, I would also like to say a warm thank you for the exceptional collaboration!


Image: The HR Campus Consulting and Payroll Team with Mark Fahrni

Published: 24. May 2024

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