Image of Digital expense process for the entire foundation group


Zurzach Care AG

Digital expense process for the entire foundation group

The Foundation for the Promotion of Health has the following mission statement: "We focus our work on people and their health. We establish and manage charitable institutions, conduct research for the future with a focus on benefits and actively promote the development of Zurzach and Baden as healthcare locations."


Healthcare / Social Services / Nursing



Client since



German-speaking Switzerland



Initial situation

The companies in the foundation group are active in various business areas and in several cantons in German-speaking Switzerland. They not only employ commercial staff, but also medical staff, fitness instructors and people from various technical professions.

Previously, the expense receipts of all companies were kept using paper forms, submitted to line managers for approval and then sent to the HR department for payment by internal post. The entire process was time-consuming, error-prone and confusing. It was obvious that a digital expense solution offered great potential for optimisation.


Thanks to Edi's AI and the connection to Google Maps, employees can quickly process expenses according to specifications. The requirements for employees, managers and various foundation companies were successfully implemented. HR Development also decided to digitise training expenses. The "Request" add-on gives everyone involved an overview of the training budget and expenses.


The project started in mid-October 2022 and after one month, the expense tool was introduced for a three-month pilot phase for a diverse group of employees. This allowed continuous feedback to be collected and optimisations to be implemented directly. Edi was rolled out to all employees in March 2023. Expenses could be processed digitally from one day to the next thanks to the professionally conducted pilot phase. Quick guides and Q&A sessions were available to employees to provide assistance. The majority of employees found their way around the intuitive Edi tool straight away.

Katja Tamasco, who managed the project, and Nicole Knecht, Head of the HR Service Centre at the Foundation for Health Promotion, greatly appreciated the extensive reporting functions. The use of Edi has enabled active controlling, which provides valuable insights for the development of the expense regulations and other benefits. The investment quickly proved to be worthwhile. Above all, however, the employees are happier and can use the time gained for productive tasks.

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