The healthcare sector in Switzerland is facing growing challenges, particularly with regard to the shortage of skilled labour, as recent studies show. Forecasts indicate that there will be a significant shortage of full-time employees by 2030. This presents healthcare institutions with an urgent need to find innovative and forward-looking solutions. In this blog article, you can find out more about three key issues in the field of total workforce management that are becoming particularly important, as well as innovative practical approaches that are currently being trialled.
The challenges in the Swiss healthcare sector are becoming increasingly apparent. According to a recent study by the Adecco Group, the healthcare professions are particularly affected by the shortage of skilled labour. PWC even predicts a shortage of 32,500 full-time employees in the Swiss healthcare sector by 2030. Against this backdrop, healthcare institutions must overcome the challenge of finding innovative solutions to overcome the shortage of skilled labour.
Taking a closer look at the care sector, Myra Fischer-Rosinger, Director of Swissstaffing, observes a continuous increase in external specialists. The increasing demand for qualified staff in this area cannot be fully met without external support. In this context, three key issues have crystallised for us that are of particular relevance in the area of total workforce management. The term "total workforce management" refers to the strategy of managing all available employees jointly and cohesively - regardless of their workload, their contract periods and whether they are employed internally or externally.
1) Workforce life cycle
HR is shifting its focus from traditional Recruitment to sustainable Retention Management. This focus is now placed equally on internal employees (permanent and temporary staff) and external specialists. Given the ratio of internal to external employees of 2:1, it is crucial to standardise and professionalise recruitment, management including deployment planning, payment and entry and exit for the entire workforce. This is essential both in terms of process synergies and for cost reasons. The distinction between internal and external employees is becoming increasingly less important.
(See graphic below)
The graphic shows the workforce life cycle for internal and external specialists and the potential synergies that the company can achieve through standardisation. In this respect, the introduction of holistic life cycle management is recommended. This ensures that employees are seamlessly integrated into the company, from Recruitment through to their departure or possible re-employment.
2) HR becomes an architect
New Work concepts are increasingly presenting new challenges for both employees and employers. HR management is now taking on the important role of creating a balance and mediating internally. In terms of the healthcare industry, this is particularly relevant with regard to external specialists. The increasing flexibilisation on the part of specialists and companies can only be successfully implemented through coordinated interaction between internal and external specialists. This requires clear guidelines in terms of management, processes and the HR IT infrastructure.
Particularly in the area of workforce scheduling, establishing a sustainable, participative process is both critical and decisive for the long-term security of the company and the satisfaction of all employees. The growing dynamics require innovative workforce scheduling that meets both the needs of the organisation and the individual requirements of all specialists.
3) Demands for flexibility
It's not just Generation Z that has new and different demands on the working environment and work-life balance. The general interaction between different generations and cultures is also becoming increasingly important. The desire for work to adapt to individual needs is increasing and is therefore becoming an ever more relevant and central issue for companies and HR in the fight against the shortage of skilled labour. New forms and opportunities need to be created. Flexible working time models, which must be compatible with the different phases of life, are an important topic here.
Practical examples
In addition to the many challenges in the market, we also recognise numerous approaches that are currently being tested and some of which have already become established. Three practical examples are described below.
Community building in the care sector
The "Care Resco Care Community" project aims to build a care reserve community in order to attract carers back to the profession. By 2030, the need for care in the Swiss population is forecast to increase by 36%. At the same time, 30% of carers will retire by then and up to 8% will leave the nursing profession. The scientifically supported pilot project is intended as a possible solution to this problem. In order to counteract this impending staff shortage, the community wants to break through existing employment patterns and promote the self-determined deployment of nursing staff. In this way, retirees, people returning to work and students who are willing to work are to be encouraged to join the community and thus ensure more specialised staff on the Swiss market overall.
Deployment planning with the total workforce approach
Felix Platter's university geriatric medicine centre takes a holistic approach to workforce management. Software was used to establish an internal pool of temporary staff, which makes it easier to fill vacancies at short notice. In addition, collaboration with the external pool and recruitment agencies has been automated and optimised. Simplified deployment planning, automated communication and comprehensive transparency have resulted in time savings and increased satisfaction for everyone involved.
Regional pool solutions
The Acherhof and Rubiswil retirement centres in the canton of Schwyz jointly launched the "Talkessel Pool" in December 2023. This pool comprises people from the long-term care sector who want to organise their working day independently and flexibly. In addition to professional qualifications, the model requires a weekly workload of at least 10% or 4 working hours and a willingness to work in both retirement centres. The concept is particularly appealing to people who want to combine family and career flexibly, are interested in flexible interim or additional earnings or are returning to work. With the help of an app, pool employees can indicate their free capacities and the retirement centres can access them as required.
"Total Workforce Management 2.0" is a pioneering strategy in the Swiss healthcare sector in view of the growing shortage of skilled labour. Identifying key topics such as the workforce life cycle, the role of HR as an architect and adapting to flexibility requirements marks an important step towards meeting these challenges. Practical examples such as Felix Platter's Total Workforce approach to university geriatric medicine and the "Care Resco care community" show how healthcare institutions can use innovative approaches to shape the future of work in the healthcare sector.

Alexandra Gastpar
Total Workforce Management, HR Interim Management Consulting
Alexandra works as a Total Workforce Management Consultant at HR Campus and advises various customers according to the motto "HR is the soul of a company and the soul makes us what we are".

Stefan Matthys
Stefan works as a Consultant for healthcare organisations and for the POLYPOINT PEP product at HR Campus. He is a business economist and former PEP application manager.