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Successfully and efficiently digitalise HR

Everyone is talking about Digitization. According to Google research, the term is absolutely on trend - and the trend is rising. Digitization was also the central topic at the WEF in January. But how does digitalisation actually work? Here are 5 tips on how to digitalise your HR successfully and efficiently.

1. Develop a vision

An old Japanese proverb says: "A vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." Develop a clear picture of where you want to go. Show what the HR department should look like after successful Digitization.

2. Convince the management

Digitisation of the HR department is not a top priority for many companies. Make it one! Show the added value that such a project can bring. Calculate the business case and present the digitalisation roadmap. Get the management on board with this.

3. Take the employees with you

Be aware that the process of Digitization brings a lot of change. This can cause anxiety for employees when they realise that parts of their work will be taken over by Software in the future. What will they do if a chatbot takes over some of their administrative tasks? Work with your team to determine their role in the vision of a digitalised HR department and how they can develop in this direction.

4. Form a team with IT and HR

Digitization will be successful if HR and IT develop a plan together and pull in the same direction. This also helps to convince the management.

5. Just get started

Get started! You don't have to introduce all systems at once. Start with document management or a certificate tool, for example, and then proceed step by step.

Our experts will work with you to develop a vision, draw up a digitalisation roadmap with HR and IT, compile a decision-making basis including benefit analyses and support you in the change process. Let our Team support you on your way to a digital HR World.

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