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HR Shared Services

HR Shared Services: What lies behind it

Hardly anyone thinks of communication, let alone optimised communication, when they hear the keyword Digitization. On the surface, many people associate Digitization with a change in interpersonal communication, characterised by social Media, WhatsApp and similar platforms. But let's take a look at communication in organisations: Hasn't Digitization even created new exciting ways and improved communication here?

In today's working world, communication media such as email, intranet, instant messaging and video conferencing are virtually indispensable. Information is quickly searched for on Google when needed, the unknown is looked up on Wikipedia, and specific concerns are clarified by email. The growing capacity to transfer information across space and time has brought many benefits to companies. But how can HR departments utilise this potential even better? The key word is HR Shared Services - a form of organisation that enables smooth and more efficient communication between employees and the HR department.

Imagine a cloud-based online platform that mediates between employees and HR. Both sides have access, but see different content. HR fills the platform with knowledge articles, providing answers to common questions that are otherwise sent to them daily by email, phone or other means. A kind of Wikipedia for HR is created for employees, allowing them to search for answers themselves. If an employee cannot find an answer, they can submit a ticket. The HR department answers these enquiries individually or with the help of templates. Recurring enquiries can be dealt with in just a few clicks. If HR requires additional information for an enquiry, the employee can fill out a form directly on the platform. In turn, HR receives all tickets, enquiries and forms in one place and can assign them to the responsible person. Processes can also be created, tasks assigned and roles allocated in order to effectively manage the flow of communication.

For example, new employees can access the platform during onboarding and are automatically reminded to complete master data sheets, go through induction programmes or sign confidentiality declarations electronically. These documents are then stored directly in the electronic personnel dossier.

The introduction of HR Shared Services creates a completely new type of communication between employees and HR departments. Thanks to ticket systems, knowledge databases and process control, communication is optimised and made more efficient at the same time. The HR department thus becomes an HR Shared Services Centre that provides information, manages forms and controls processes. Digitization may have changed traditional communication, but it also opens up new ways for organisations to communicate with each other and with their employees. These developments show that Digitization does not destroy communication, but on the contrary takes it to a new level.

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