Image of Digitisation in a "topsy-turvy world"

Specialist Articles

HR Campus

Digitisation in a "topsy-turvy world"

Do you know the children's game "Upside Down"?
In this Specialist article, we show you 10 examples of how digitalisation projects take place in an upside-down world - true to the motto of the popular children's game.

When you digitise, it is important that everything that is currently on paper and in the heads of employees is replicated digitally in exactly the same way. Why use best practices if it has worked so far? Everything is actually working well, isn't it?

In an upside-down world, digitalisation projects would run according to the following examples.

1. Change management - superfluous!

If existing processes are digitalised, you don't need change management. After all, the established processes have proven themselves. Your goal should be to exactly replicate everything that was previously done on paper, with forms and via emails in the new digital solution.

2. HR knows best what is good for everyone

In order to conserve resources within the company, it is most efficient if the project is carried out by the HR department alone. All other departments are already working to capacity. This allows you to proceed quickly and in a targeted manner, as the HR experts know best what is good for the company. Involving employees only costs time and money.

3. Choose a solution quickly

There are numerous software offerings on the market that seem to provide similar solutions. To save time, you should select the future solution as quickly as possible. Relationships with acquaintances who work for a software provider should be prioritised - after all, personal contacts are more important than obtaining references.

4. Only the best

In order to digitalise optimally, you should always follow the "best of breed" approach, in which a specialised solution is procured for each process. This shows that your employees are important to you, because only the best is good enough. And, of course, you trust your employees to get used to different solutions without any problems.

5. Migration of historical data

When introducing a new solution, no knowledge about the past should be lost. If possible, you should migrate all historical data, such as that of employees who have left the company. Your internal audit will appreciate the extra effort, even if the information is rarely used.

6. Stable and proven solution

As a lot of time is spent on user training, it is important that the solution remains stable after implementation. Changes are superfluous. Stability strengthens employees' trust in the HR department and minimises operating costs. Technical innovations or AI enhancements are overrated and merely temporary trends.

7. Direct contact is important

To maintain proximity to employees, you should keep all communication channels open. Let enquiries such as accident reports or holiday balances be submitted directly to the HR department by phone or email. HR employees can then carefully enter this information into the system.

8. Excel can do everything

A good onboarding process should be personalised and flexibly customisable. Microsoft Excel is perfect for this. You can record progress with checklists and drop-down menus. If the onboarding Excel is stored in the new employee's dossier, all relevant departments can reliably track progress.

9. Pivot reports for optimum flexibility

Management needs reliable reports for important strategic decisions. Download all data as Excel files, combine them and prepare them with pivot tables. Manual steps offer you quality assurance and a "reality check" at the same time.

10. Target agreements are best on paper

A good target agreement should take place at the table - with direct eye contact and on a blank sheet of paper. You can then send a photo to the HR manager via WhatsApp so that the agreement is properly recorded digitally. This will ensure that all deadlines are met.

Did you smile?

Even though the above points are very relevant, the proposed solutions are not. From our experience over the last 25 years, it is usually not the technical challenges but the human ones that are the most difficult to solve.

Digitalisation projects are the ideal time to question existing ways of thinking and beliefs. You need to embrace new processes and rethink your current way of working. This is the only way to achieve sustainable change and real added value for your company.

P.S.: If you don't know the children's game "Upside Down World", why not take a look at YouTube ? Have fun singing along!


Portrait of  Marc Dennler

Marc Dennler

Service Management

Marc Dennler has worked for national and international companies in Human Resources. As a Solutions Expert, he now supports our customers with Digitization and is responsible for the HR Campus Suite solution.

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