Voice of HR


Voice of HR - The Swiss HR podcast. We scrutinise current topics from the world of work, discuss highlights and HR trends with HR experts from the field and renowned personalities from research. With our podcast, we want to inspire HR professionals and enthusiasts as well as employees, make people happier and companies more successful.

A Good Conversation With a Pinch of Humour and Optimism

HR topics fascinate us and we love good conversations. Our moderator duo Marc Dennler and Alexandra Gastpar share the knowledge and experiences of our guests... with a pinch of humour and optimism.

The Story Behind "Voice of HR"

Over lunch or a glass of wine, we like to challenge the status quo and discuss fresh ideas. In discussion with our counterparts, we discover personal facets and philosophise about new perspectives. This is also how the idea of making individuals heard came about. Our podcast "Voice of HR" was born.


All Episodes

Image of #20 Bullsh*t Jobs: Myth or Reality?


Voice of HR

#20 Bullsh*t Jobs: Myth or Reality?

Image of #19 Separation culture - an important part of employer branding


Voice of HR

#19 Separation culture - an important part of employer branding

Image of #18 8 years of holacracy - a practical experience report


Voice of HR

#18 8 years of holacracy - a practical experience report

Image of #17 From individual strength to organisational resilience


Voice of HR

#17 From individual strength to organisational resilience

Image of #16 From robots to generative AI


Voice of HR

#16 From robots to generative AI

Image of #15 Participative leadership


Voice of HR

#15 Participative leadership

Image of #14 Self-organised Teams


Voice of HR

#14 Self-organised Teams

Image of #13 High-performing Teams


Voice of HR

#13 High-performing Teams

Image of #12 Transparency in HR 2.0


Voice of HR

#12 Transparency in HR 2.0

Image of #11 Transparency in HR


Voice of HR

#11 Transparency in HR

Image of #10 War for Talents in the healthcare industry


Voice of HR

#10 War for Talents in the healthcare industry

Image of #9 Generation Z


Voice of HR

#9 Generation Z

Image of #8 Digital world and future skills


Voice of HR

#8 Digital world and future skills

Image of #7 Swarm happiness


Voice of HR

#7 Swarm happiness

Image of #6 Cultural Fit


Voice of HR

#6 Cultural Fit

Image of #5 Digitisation as a means to an end


Voice of HR

#5 Digitisation as a means to an end

Image of #4 Let go of stress


Voice of HR

#4 Let go of stress

Image of #3 Digital Appreciation


Voice of HR

#3 Digital Appreciation

Image of #2 How sexy should Talent attraction be?


Voice of HR

#2 How sexy should Talent attraction be?

Image of #1 Trust rocks


Voice of HR

#1 Trust rocks

Your Contact Person

Would you like to give us feedback on the podcast? Or do you have another request? We look forward to hearing from you.

Corina Wassmer

Marketing & Communication

Portrait of Corina Wassmer

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