Since 2010
Market leader in Europe
1 million +
enthusiastic candidates
130 +
No matter how many applicants you have, what level of seniority they have or in which recruitment phase you want to use it - viasto offers you the perfect web-based video recruitment solution. The modules are based on scientific findings in personnel psychology and have been specially developed to meet the requirements of modern recruitment.

Time-shifted interviews
Optimise your pre-selection with structured time-delayed video interviews. This allows you to reliably find your top candidates. The clear process and the evaluation of the videos according to fixed criteria make the pre-selection meaningful and objective.
Video applications
Use Digitalisation for a modern employer brand. Video applications give you an immediate personal impression of the applicants without any additional effort.

Live interviews
Participants can join from anywhere with any device without downloading or logging in. Meet your applicants at eye level without travelling costs. Smart appointment coordination and direct assessment during the interview make the process more efficient.
Success stories
HR Knowledge
In our download portal you will find useful fact sheets, helpful checklists and supporting information for you and your HR team to download.