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1 Million
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Industry-specific Text Modules
Employment Reference swiss+ is your efficient, web-based solution for creating references. The reference letter software supports you from the employee's reference request to the assessment by superiors to the review and handover of the reference letter by HR. Our reference tool speeds up and simplifies the entire reference process.

Legally Compliant, Professional and Individualised
With the swiss+ reference letter, you can create legally compliant and professional employment references and interim references. Individual employee activities can also be added to the process.
Role and Industry-specific Text Modules
At the heart of Employment Reference swiss+ are thousands of specialised text modules that have been developed by IWP AG for 25 years. Text modules are offered for various industries: commercial occupations, healthcare, education, retail, catering, banking, media, transportation and police.

Customisable Certificate Workflow
Employment Reference swiss+ enables you to customise the reference process to suit your company processes. You can design the process flexibly and individually.
Success Stories
We have been supporting and advising companies in Switzerland and around the world on all their HR matters for over 25 years.
HR Knowledge
In our download portal, you will find useful fact sheets, helpful checklists and supporting information for you and your HR team to download.