Cloud-based and preconfigured HR Campus Best Practices in SAP SuccessFactors for your core HR processes
Easy2Employee Central is cloud-based and includes preconfigured Best Practices in SAP SuccessFactors for all your HR core processes. Employee Central is more than just a global system for managing your master data, it is the heart of your HR system and the basis for all HR processes within the company. Employee Central scores with fully integrated employee and manager self-services, simple approval processes and cool mobile apps. In Employee Central, you define your organizational structure and maintain all HR master data from when a person joins the company, through organizational changes to when the person leaves the company. Easy2Employee Central is preconfigured to be perfectly tailored to the requirements of the SAP HCM payroll-accounting systems supplied by HR Campus for Switzerland.
SAP SuccessFactors Easy2Employee Central provides you with the following functionality:
SAP SuccessFactors Easy2Employee Central supports you in the following personnel activities:
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