HR Interim Management

Us - Your Partner

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People in the HR People Community

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Satisfaction of Our Customers and Partners

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Individual Support and Personal Contact

Bridge operational bottlenecks in HR or bring strategic HR knowledge in-house: our temporary HR professionals support you with all HR challenges - flexibly, competently and with the spirit of HR Campus. Your HR processes remain in safe hands and you gain a valuable outside perspective.

Portrait of Alexandra Gastpar

Alexandra Gastpar

Head of HR Interim Management HR Campus

When do we come into play?

HR Campus and our HR People Community come into play in the following situations:

  • A specialist and / or HR Heads has left the company and time needs to be bridged until the new person starts
  • There is currently a lack of expertise for specific HR topics and HR projects
  • The HR department is going through turbulent times and needs professional and management support
  • Insourcing or outsourcing support
  • Support for start-ups and HR department set-ups/reorganisations
  • Interim maternity deputies

HR Professionals

Are you looking for someone to provide you and your HR with temporary operational support? Someone to help you with payroll or administrative matters, or to handle a specific HR project? We have the right person for you.

Heads of HR

Are you looking for someone to take on a management role in your HR or shared service centre on a temporary basis? Someone to manage your HR, set up your HR organisation or lead a large HR project? We'll find the right person for you.

Our approach in 3 steps

1, 2, 3, GO!

The Match

We evaluate the right HR profile based on the customer's enquiry - tailored precisely to their needs and in the HR Campus spirit.

Getting to Know Each Other

In a personal meeting, we discuss the last open points and define the next steps.

Let's Go!

Everything fits? Your match starts at the agreed time.


We look after you 1:1, individually and tailored to you. We put our heart and soul into finding the right match.

Portrait of  Vivienne Bannwart

Vivienne Bannwart

HR Interim Management Consulting

Portrait of  Alexandra Gastpar

Alexandra Gastpar

Total Workforce Management, HR Interim Management Consulting

Portrait of  Andrea Vogel-Mascarello

Andrea Vogel-Mascarello

HR Interim Management Consulting

Platzhalter Porträt

Meret Roth

HR Interim Management Consulting

Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can I expect a response?

How much will the assignment cost me?

For which HR topics can I request support?

What does HR Campus do for data protection?

What does HR Campus do for corporate social responsibility?

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