HR Digitalisation


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300 +

HR Solutions on the Market

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Industries are Known to Us

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100 +

Health Checks Carried out

There are many HR systems out there, but which one is right for your company? We work with you to develop a digitalisation roadmap that suits your company. We integrate your existing systems, processes and ideas.

HR Health Check

Test the fitness of your HR in a half-day workshop. As a result, you will receive digitalisation options tailored to your needs.

H4S4 Transformation

What comes after SAP HCM. With our S/4HANA pre-study, we analyse your systems and show you the best options.

H4S4 Transformation Header
AI Exploration Day Header

Al Exploration Day

Want to go one step further and find out how AI can make your HR processes more efficient? Then join us on a journey of discovery.

Your Contact Person

You want to learn more? Or you already have a clear idea of what you need? We will happily tell you more or visit you in person.

Martin Bisang

Consulting Operations

Portrait of Martin Bisang

Success Stories

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