8 % +
Higher Productivity
3.9 Million
∅ Cost per Data Breache
30 %
Fewer Data Protection Incidents
HR analytics is one of the top topics for HR in every trend study. But very few have really cracked the topic: why? It takes a high degree of digitalisation to have data. And a framework is needed to combine HR data from different systems. Data protection must also be guaranteed. All of this is challenging.

The Potential of HR Analytics
HR analytics uses employee data to make the company's success measurable. HR managers need in-depth expertise and modern systems to do this.
Making Optimal Use of Data
We convert key figures into valuable information and derive the right measures from it. In doing so, we ensure legally compliant data management in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

HR Analytics for Process Optimisation
Modern HR processes are complex and require targeted solutions. HR analytics enables better decisions to be made and HR performance to be improved - for more efficient corporate development.