HR Strategy


When we dream, we process various sensory impressions. In a special form of consciousness, we experience the past and the future as hallucinatory events. That's roughly what the dictionary says.
This is precisely what is important in HR. Far too rarely do we take the time to reflect in peace and look to the future together. When you find a common vision for the future as a team, it can feel like dreaming around the table. We share ideas that don't even exist yet.


At HR Campus, we always dream. Every team dreams together once a year. Some customers dream along with us on a regular basis. Dreaming together with HR Campus always means going one step further - making the employee experience even better. To make HR that little bit better.

Why Dream?

We dream because it is extremely efficient and effective. With a common goal, you have a focus as a team. You save costs. You pull together with management. Dreaming is a very valuable tool - especially in the harsh reality.

Your Contact Person

You want to learn more? Or you already have a clear idea of what you need? We will happily tell you more or visit you in person.

Ramona Gasser

Management Assistance

Portrait of Ramona Gasser






HR Campus Vision Centre

The Madrisajoch in St. Antönien offers a perfect environment for concentrated work on topics. Come with us to our vision centre.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is dreaming important?

Why the Hotel Madrisajoch?

Are we accompanied while dreaming?

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