Image of Implementation of prevention courses for the individual handling of stress


Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG

Implementation of prevention courses for the individual handling of stress

Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG is actively committed to the well-being of its employees and has continuously expanded its health management programme. An exciting pilot project on stress prevention has shown how employees can improve the way they deal with stress both at work and in their private lives.


Banking / Financial Services



Client since



German-speaking Switzerland





Initial situation

The Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB) attaches great importance to the well-being of its approximately 1,500 employees. For this reason, it has systematically and continuously expanded its health management programme in recent years.

It was therefore no surprise in 2020 when the LLB became the first Liechtenstein bank to receive the "Friendly Workspace" label from Health Promotion Switzerland. This label encouraged us to provide our employees with tools and strategies for dealing constructively with individual stress and mental strain.


Following an exchange with its long-standing cooperation partner HR Campus, the LLB decided to organise a pilot event of the one-day stress prevention seminar stressfit towards the end of 2021. An interested group of employees was trained in how to deal with stress individually.


The pilot project was very well received by all participants, which is why three further attendance days on stress prevention were planned for 2022. The LLB has opted for its other healthcare provider and cooperation partner, Clinicum Gaflei in Triesenberg, as the venue. Its focus is on mindfulness, healthy sleep, exercise and health-promoting activities, among other things, which underlines the stressfit course programme. This meant that the seminar could take place in a wonderfully idyllic location, surrounded by nature and with a view of the Swiss and Liechtenstein mountains, far away from everyday working life.

The stressfit seminar provided participants with valuable knowledge that went far beyond traditional topics such as time management or acute strategies. The LLB employees learnt to understand the mechanisms of stress in various situations and phases through a theoretical part and realistic practical exercises in order to deal with stress in a more constructive way. They therefore not only benefit in their role as employees in the professional environment, but can also apply the knowledge they have gained in their private lives in various (family) situations.

Fortunately, these three programmes also met with such great interest from employees that the LLB kept stressfit on offer the following year.

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