Image of From the HR Health Check to successful HR digitisation


Läderach (Schweiz) AG

From the HR Health Check to successful HR digitisation

In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, we carried out the HR Health Check with the entire HR team at Läderach (Schweiz) AG. Within a year, we were able to create a strong and global basis for all digitalisation projects in the company.


Trade / Retail / Food



Client since



German-speaking Switzerland

French-speaking Switzerland






Initial situation

Läderach (Schweiz) AG is a leading global manufacturer of premium chocolate and pralines based in Ennenda (GL), Switzerland. The family-owned company employs around 2,100 people worldwide and is primarily known for its handmade fresh chocolate products. The company's only production facility is located in Switzerland, which also serves as its headquarters. In recent years, Läderach has experienced strong global growth and now operates branches in Europe, North America and Asia.

With international growth came the need to implement a global master data system and develop a comprehensive, global reporting system to manage business activities efficiently. The HR Health Check conducted with HR Campus helped to identify the existing challenges and prioritise the most important processes and solutions.


Läderach (Schweiz) AG decided in favour of the HR Campus Suite with the focus on a globally applicable and clearly structured software. This offers best practice standards that work seamlessly across multiple systems. Thanks to the modular structure, HR could be digitalised step by step. A global template with local adaptations creates maximum room for manoeuvre, allowing Läderach to tap into additional markets that can be quickly integrated into and supported by its HR suite. Payroll was outsourced to HR Campus Business Services for Switzerland, while local solutions were found for the other countries.


In order to create a worldwide standard, the head office defined a global template for the company. This template contains specific requirements of Läderach (Schweiz) AG as well as the basis for local extensions and was created specifically for SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and UKG eDossier. By developing the global template, the project team was able to define initial standards and establish a basic understanding of the system with the HR team at Läderach's headquarters. This head start was used to add further countries to the HR Suite, guided by their internal colleagues.

After around eight months, Läderach (Schweiz) AG went live worldwide with the HR Suite as its master data system. The goal of creating a standardised solution for all countries and having all employees in one system was achieved. In addition, the basis was created for future implementation projects for talent processes that can rely on/support a standardised master data system. In the meantime, we have been able to introduce further SAP SuccessFactors modules globally with Läderach (Schweiz) AG. Firstly, the "Performance & Goals Management" module, which replaced the paper process with a global standard process with job-specific competences. Secondly, the "Learning" module, which digitally standardises global training management.

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