
Discover the Versatility of the Job as a Consultant at HR Campus

As a consultant at HR Campus, you will take on a central role, designing and implementing customised HR solutions for our customers. You will work closely with your customers to develop and successfully implement innovative software solutions. You will become an expert for our various HR systems. You will ensure that our customers can organise their HR processes in an efficient and future-oriented manner.

You will implement solutions, but also conduct trainings and workshops to support users in using our systems. You will take on project management or sub-project management tasks and successfully implement interface projects. In our modern and dynamic environment, you can make full use of your expertise and creativity. At the same time, you will contribute to the further development and optimisation of our solutions.

Portrait of Fabienne Locher

Fabienne Locher


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply?

What documents do I need to submit with my application?

I did not find a suitable position. What should I do?

When will I receive feedback on my application?

Who can I contact if I have questions about a vacancy or my application?

A job advert is no longer online. How can I find it again?

I noticed that you use the informal "you" in job adverts. Can I also use this form?

What happens to my data after my application?

Any questions?

If you would like to find out more about the role of consultant or if you have any questions about the application process, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here for you.

Nathalie Abächerli

Human Resources

Portrait of Nathalie Abächerli

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