Image of Once HR Campus, always HR Campus

Testimonials & Stories

HR Campus

Once HR Campus, always HR Campus

Doris Burgener has been part of HR Campus for 18 years - even after she retired.

As a neighbour of company founder Marek Dutkiewicz in Madetswil, Doris Burgener has known HR Campus from the very beginning. "I worked at the post office for a long time," says Doris. When a position in accounting became available at HR Campus in 2005, she didn't hesitate for a second. She completed further training in HR and finance and became part of the HR Campus family. Initially, she did a bit of everything - HR, accounting and office management.

HR Campus beyond retirement

As the company grew, the areas of work became more and more divided. "Our team consisted of 18 employees when I started at HR Campus," Doris Burgener recalls. "I now issue 250 wages every month.". Doris is now partially retired and only works a small part-time job: "I've always enjoyed working. That's why I wanted to keep doing it after I retired," she says. "The best thing about it is that I can now decide whether and when I want to work, depending on the weather and my mood."

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