Teaserbild / Still für Hauptseite Consulting

Develop and Implement an Effective HR Strategy

As an HR consulting company, we support you from strategy development to implementation. Our holistic solutions enable you to master all challenges along the employee journey.

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Use the Right Tools

We support your HR as an independent technology partner. With our future-oriented software solutions, we increase your employees' happiness and efficiency.

Teaserbild / Still für Hauptseite Services

Get Targeted HR Support

We are your leading Partner for HR outsourcing and HR interim management in Switzerland. Your HR administration and payroll are guaranteed and secure with us. We help you with sensitive tasks or relieve your HR team during peak times.

Portrait of Moritz Marti

Moritz Marti

CEO at HR Campus

HR People

Do you want to use your HR expertise for different companies? Without the stress of acquisition, with punctual payment and on the same wavelength? Become part of the HR People community now!

Current Events

We all progress professionally and personally when we regularly exchange ideas. That's how ideas are born. It connects us! Here you will find a selection of events, webinars, training courses and seminars organised by HR professionals for HR professionals.

Teaser / Still Events
Unsere Geschichte_Header

The HR Campus Story

HR Campus has been around for over a quarter of a century. We take you on a journey through times gone by, past our milestones and exciting stories.

Success Stories

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